
Based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn.
Written by Sandy Rustin.
Additional material by Hunter Foster and Eric Price.
Based on the Paramount Pictures Motion Picture.
Based on the Hasbro board game CLUE.
Original music by Michael Holland.
By special arrangement with The Araca Group, Work Light Productions, and Michael Barra/Lively McCabe Entertainment.
Clue: On Stage is presented by special arrangement with Broadway Licensing, LLC servicing the Dramatists Play Service collection. (www.dramatists.com)
NOTE TO AUDIENCE: The videotaping or audio and/or visual recording of this production is a violation of United States Copyright Law and an actionable federal offense.
Rob Duval
Assistant Director/Props Designer
Chloe Evans
Stage Manager
Erich Steinwandt-Gudoy
Assistant Stage Manager
Jason Ichiyama
Technical Director
Mira Fey
Set Designer/Scenic Artist
Willie Sabel
Sound Design/Engineer
Sarah Velasco
Lighting Designer
Chris Gouveia
Hair & Make-up Designer
Lisa Ponce de Leon
Costume Designer
Maile Speetjens
Painting and Prop Assistance
Jay Crisler
Music Arranger and Producer
Sean-Joseph Choo
Kenji Cataldo
Aloha and thank you for being with us tonight! One of my fondest childhood memories involves gathering around a square folding table, a versatile piece of furniture reserved for specific occasions such as monthly bill-paying sessions, the designated kids' table during holiday meals, and the hub of excitement during our cherished family game nights. When tasked with choosing a game, my selection was always CLUE, driven by the chance to delve into a world of whimsical characters, vibrant backstories, and a narrative bound only by a child's imagination and the roll of the dice. Tonight, we have the joy of reuniting around that familiar folding table, immersing ourselves in the world of CLUE as envisioned by Johnathan Lynn in the 1985 film, adapted for the stage by Sandy Rustin, and brought to life for you by the remarkable creative team at the heart of Mānoa Valley Theatre’s production of CLUE. In this moment, I want to convey my sincere appreciation to everyone present tonight. Thank you to MVT Artistic Director Rob Duval and the extraordinaty team of designers for their visionary leadership, the cast and crew for generously sharing their time and exceptional talents, the dedicated staff for their unwavering support of the arts and commitment to MVT, our esteemed board members for their invaluable contributions, our sponsors for entrusting us with their generous contributions, and to each person in the audience—your presence allows us the privilege of sharing the enriching experience of live theatre. Warm regards, Kathleen Young Executive Director

Wadsworth...............................................................................................Emily Steward
Yvette...............................................................................................Presley A. Wheeler
Professor Plum.................................................................................................Lee Nebe
Mr. Green..........................................................................................Malachi McSherry
Miss Scarlet................................................................................Shannon Winpenny
Mrs. Peacock........................................................................................Suzanne Green
Mrs. White...................................................................................................Therese Olival
Colonel Mustard........................................................................................Mike Poblete
Cook, Singing Telegram Delivery, Backup Officer............Antoinette Lilley
Mr. Boddy, Motorist, Chief of Police................................................Ryan Phillips
Unexpected Cop, Backup Officer................................................Nicholas Chun
Swing/Standby ....................................................................................Heather Taylor
The Setting
Remote mansion outside of Washington D.C.
Sound board Operator | Sarah Velasco
Deck Crew/Dressers | Masako Wheeler & Valerie Ho

Andrew Baker
Jay Crisler
Becca Lui
MJ Matsushita
Shell Dalzell
John D'Aversa
Punahou School
Theo Bliemeister
Louie Bliemeister
Bri Fuller
Ansel Bliemeister
Adopt-A-Play Parents
Alice Tucker
Captain David Wilson
Kawaiaha'o Church for leasing MVT the beautiful grounds it occupies.
Alexander & Baldwin, Inc for permitting our patrons to park at the Mānoa Marketplace and for support of MVT's education program.
Nathan Sult & Beth Tarter for enhancements to the theatre.

Executive Director
Artistic Directorr
Technical Director
Production Stage Manager/
Box Office Manager
Marketing Associate
Costume Supervisor
Education Coordinator
Bookkeeper and HR
Public Relations Director
House Managers
Evening Box Office
Bar Staff
Kathleen Young
Rob Duval
Mira Fey
Erich Steinwandt-Gudoy
Julianne Castillo
Amber Lehua Baker
Stephanie Conching
Sheila Rego
Kristin Jackson
Rachel Hadwick
Carey Smith
Jennifer E. Muehle
Thomas Pang
Jaime Brice
Dan Connell
Ray Sonomura
Kathleen Young
Chairman of the Board
Jeffrey S. Portnoy
David Kennedy
Peter Ehrman
Scott D. Larimer
Bob Taylor
George B. Apter
Chris C. Bayot
Norbert M. Buelsing
Hank Chapin III
Randy Diamond
Blenn Fujimoto
Wendy Goodenow
Tom Ishii Jr.
Stacey Katakura
Mary Kubota
William Lindemann
Maleko McDonnell
Matthew Mishina
Amy Monk
Scott Morita
Richard Morris
Karen Mukai
Barbara Nickerson
Ramona Sayre
Jean Trapido-Rosenthal
Alice Tucker
JD Watumull
Dave Wilson

Leading Gift $25,000+
McInerny Foundation
Marquee Circle $5,000+
Hawaii State Foundation On Culture and the Arts
Justine Stamen Arrilalga & John Arrillaga
Producer's Circle $1,000+
Foodland Give Aloha
Stage Manager's Circle $500+
Jane Sugimura
Mary Jo Freshley
Ramona Sayre
Jane Sugimura
Alice K. Tucker
Kip Wilborn & Jan Nakamura
Leading Player's Circle $250+
Donald J. Bondareko & Joan T. Makamura
Norb and Jill Buelsing
Barbara Cargill
David McCulloch
Karen Mukai
Julia Muller & Earl Shreckengast
Pat Shine
Rochelle Uchibori
Supporting Cast $150+
George & Sandy Apter
Elvis Kawahara
Karen Mukai
Barbara Nickerson
Contributors $50+
Trudy Drypolcher
Vanessa Foster
Vickie Fullard-Leo
Dwight Martin
Douglas and Christina Meller
Ronald Fitzgerald
Judy Sobin
Anthony Nagatani
Allan Okubo
Janey Henderson
Purvis Grice
Sam and Kerry Gridley
Chris & Rudy
John Starr Alexander
Nate and Vickie Fong
Janet Henderson
Carolyn Koehler
Marilyn Rowell
Brennan-Woods Ohana
Kim Parker
Bernadette Harter
Gary Dell'Abate
Julie Reyes
Kurt and Corinne Takara
in honor of Dave Wilson
Rhea Yamashiro and Paul Carmody
in mermory of Stuard Roy Yammer
Annie Yoshida
Carolyn Koehler
Francis and Suzzane Wright
Manoa Valley Theatre makes every effort to ensure that all patrons are listed properly and spelled correctly. If we had made an error, we encourage you to contact the office so that we can correct the listing.
Welcome to the ohana!
Terence Knapp Visiting Artists Endowment Fund
Mahalo to these donors who have included MVT in their estate planning
Estate of Richard Aadland
Timothy L. Archer
Michael Beard
Roger and Felice Brault
Hank Chapin
Estate of Jim Connors
Richard and Myrna Cundy
Don Flaminio
Victoria Gail-White and John Wythe White
Estate of Gaye Glaser
Estate of Gail M. Hudson
Estate of Dorothy Ireland
Estate of Jerome and Jura Landfield
Estate of Roger Long
Dwight T. Martin
Estate of Elaine Martin
Donald E. Morgan
in Memory of Beverly J. Morgan
Richard S. Morris
Estate of Leon J. Munson
In Honor of Eleanor Fisher Pence
Estate of Martin Pence
Jeffrey S. and Sandi Portnoy
Estate of David M. Reed
Michael and Alberta Rosenberg
Clint Schroeder
Alice and Jerry Tucker
Estate of Angeline Walther
Estate of Herbert Walther